









Shumyatsky, G.P and Uchida, S. (2015). Deceivingly Dynamic: Learning-dependent changes in stathmin and microtubules. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2015.07.011.

Uchida, S., Martel, G., Pavlowsky, A., Takizawa, S., Hevi, C., Watanabe, Y., ... & Shumyatsky, G. P. (2014). Learning-induced and stathmin-dependent changes in microtubule stability are critical for memory and disrupted in ageing. Nature communications5. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5389. 

Cho, J. H., Zushida, K., Shumyatsky, G. P., Carlezon, W. A., Meloni, E. G., & Bolshakov, V. Y. (2012). Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide induces postsynaptically expressed potentiation in the intra-amygdala circuit. The Journal of Neuroscience32(41), 14165-14177.

Martel, G., Hevi, C., Wong, A., Zushida, K., Uchida, S., & Shumyatsky, G. P. (2012). Murine GRPR and stathmin control in opposite directions both cued fear extinction and neural activities of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. PLoS One7(2), e30942-e30942.

Martel, G., Hevi, C., Kane-Goldsmith, N., & Shumyatsky, G. P. (2011). Zinc transporter ZnT3 is involved in memory dependent on the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex. Behavioural brain research223(1), 233-238.

Malleret, G., Alarcon, J. M., Martel, G., Takizawa, S., Vronskaya, S., Yin, D., ... & Shumyatsky, G. P. (2010). Bidirectional regulation of hippocampal long-term synaptic plasticity and its influence on opposing forms of memory. The Journal of Neuroscience30(10), 3813-3825.

Martel, G., Nishi, A., & Shumyatsky, G. P. (2008). Stathmin reveals dissociable roles of the basolateral amygdala in parental and social behaviors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences105(38), 14620-14625.

Balci F., Papachristos E.B., Gallistel C.R., Brunner D., Gibson J., and Shumyatsky G.P. (2008) Interval timing in genetically modified mice: a simple paradigm. Genes, Brain and Behavior. 7:373-84. Epub 2007 Aug 13.

Kodirov S.A., Takizawa S., Joseph J., Kandel E.R., Shumyatsky G.P. and Bolshakov V.Y. (2006) Synaptically released zinc gates long-term potentiation in fear conditioning pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103:15218-15223.

Etkin A., Shumyatsky G.P., Pittenger C.J. and Kandel E.R. (2005) Genetic Analyses of Functional Connectivity in the Nervous System. In: Databasing the Brain: From Data to Knowledge (Neuroinformatics) (Ed. by S. H. Koslow and S. Subramaniam). John Wiley & Sons, pp. 221-240.

Shumyatsky G.P., Malleret G., Shin R.-M., Takizawa S., Tully K., Tsvetkov E., Zakharenko S.S., Joseph J., Vronskaya S., Yin D.-Q., Schubart U.K., Kandel E.R. and Bolshakov V.Y. (2005) stathmin, a gene enriched in the amygdala, controls both learned and innate fear. Cell 123:697-709. [F1000 Factor 3.0].

Shumyatsky G.P., Tsvetkov E., Malleret G., Hatton M., Vronskaya S., Hampton L., Battey J., Dulac C., Kandel E.R. and Bolshakov V., (2002) Identification of a signaling network in lateral nucleus of amygdala important for inhibiting memory specifically related to learned fear. Cell 111:905-918. [F1000 Factor 8.0].