Test your knowledge of conditional probability.


1. Trait A is dominant to trait a and it shows 80% penetrance in the homozygous state and 50% penetrance in the heterozygous state. Two heterozygous individuals marry. What is the probability that their first child would show the a phenotype?

 The initial cross is Aa x Aa.  There are two phenotypes A and a.  The frequency of each is:

Progeny Freq.

Penetrance of A

A pheno. a pheno.
AA .25 .80 .20 .05
Aa .50 .50 .25 .25
aa .25 0 0 .25


.45 .55


Of those individuals with the a phenotype what proportion have the AA genotype, the Aa genotype and the aa genotype? 
 Exactly .55 of the individual have the a phenotype.  These individuals can be of three different phenotypes AA, Aa and aa.   To set  the frequency of the a phenotype to 1,  divide .55/.55 = 1. 

The corrected proportional frequencies of the three genotypes are AA = .09 (.05/.55); Aa = .455 (.25/.55 ) and ..455 (.25/.55)


2. The pole vault competition involves both running and accurate placement of the pole dead eye (accurate placement) is dominant to inaccurate. Dead eye, shows 60% penetrance in the homozygous and heterozygous states. McJumper is an inaccurate male who is married to a homozygous inaccurate female. McJumper’s father was heterozygous for dead eye and his mother was homozygous inaccurate.

What is the probability that McJumper is heterozygous for dead eye?


McJumper is the product of a marriage of Aa X aa  (stated in problem). Expected phenotypic frequencies for McJumper are given below.
Progeny Freq. Penetrance of A Deadeye Inaccurate
Aa .50 .60 .30 .20
aa .50 0 0 .50
Total .30 .70

 McJumper is inaccurate with a probability of 1 (.70/.70) so he has a 2/7 change of having the genotype Aa (.20/.70) and a 5/7 change of having the genotype aa (.50/.70).

  What is the probability his first child will be a deadeye offspring?

Prob. of first child being deadeye if McJumper marries a woman who is aa = 

[Pr(McJumper is Aa) x Prob of having a child who is Aa and who penetrates)] + [Pr(McJumper is aa) x Prob of having a child who is Aa and who penetrates)] = 

2/7(3/10) + 5/7(0) = 6/70 = 3/35


3. In Christmas Jellyfish, flashing lights are dominant to static lights.  Flashing lights have 90% penetrance in the homozygote (AA) and 70% penetrance in the heterozygote (Aa). For each of the following different crosses give the distribution of flashing lights to static lights.  
Cross flashing lights static lights.
AA x AA .9 .1
AA x Aa .80 .20
AA x aa .70 .30
Aa x Aa .575 .425
Aa x aa .35 .65
aa x aa 0 1


4.  In certain isolated populations of humans in the New Jersey Pine Barrens (especially around Leeds Point, NJ)  there is a autosomal dominant trait (A) in which affected individuals are born with the head of a horse, large wings, cloven hooves, horns and a tail.  Individuals with this trait have been called various things including the Hoodle-Doodle Bird, "Wozzle Bug", the "Leeds Devil"and most famously, The New Jersey Devil. The recessive phenotype is a normal human.

Geneticist Athin Schemata* has studied this extensively and she has shown that Devilism is an autosomal dominant trait with 10% penetrance in the homozygote and 5% penetrance in the heterozygote (which is why NJ Devils are so rare). Two New Jersey Devil’s are both known to be heterozygous (Aa). Their son Eddie is phenotypically normal; that is,  Eddie may have the genotype AA, Aa or aa. What is the probability of Eddie having each genotype?
Eddie grows up and marries a normal woman (Lucia Soprano) from North Jersey. This woman does a lot of genealogy and knows that there has never been a NJ Devil born in her family (i.e., her genotype is aa). Eddie and Lucia ask you to calculate the probability that their first child will be a New Jersey Devil. They also want to know the probability of having three normal children.

4.       Eddie's parents are Aa X Aa (given in problem).  The genotypes expected among the progeny of this cross are

1/4 Aa + 1/2Aa +1/4aa.

The expected Phenotypes are:

Genotype Freq. Penetrance Devil Penetrance Normal Progeny Phenotypes
          Devil Normal
AA 1/4 1/10 9/10 1/40 9/40
Aa 1/2 1/20 19/20 1/40 19/40
aa 1/4 0 1 0 10/40
      TOTAL 2/40 38/40

The probability of being normal is before any child is born is

9/40AA + 19/40Aa + 10/40 aa = 38/40 

Make the probability of being normal equal to 1.0 since Eddie is normal.  Divide all terms by 38/40.

9/38AA + 19/38Aa + 10/38 aa = 38/38 = 1

Marriage Freq. Prob. Aa Penetrance A Penetrance a Prob. Progeny Phenotypes
          A a
AA x aa 9/38 1 1/10 9/10 36/1520 324/380
Aa x aa 19/38 1/2 1/20 19/20 19/1520 741/1520
aa x aa 10/38 0 0 1 0 400/1520
        TOTAL 55/1520 1465/1520

The probability of Eddie and Lucia having a New Jersey Devil is 55/1520 or about 3.6%

The probability of  three normal children is (1465/1520)3 = 89.5%

Penetrance and Conditional Probability

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2 Test Your Understanding of Conditional Probability and Penetrance
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