Additional Complex Problems Involving
 Dihybrid Crosses

This is a problem that was on the final exam in genetics in both 1998 and 1999.  Only about 20 out of 280 students got this right.   Most students did not even attempt the question. Others tried to answer this question as an essay question. Still others used the wrong expected ratios.   I will go through the logic of the problem as an illustration of how to analyze problems of this type.  

(1 0 points) In TV Bugs, Cable (A) is dominant to rabbit ears (a) and Color (B) is dominant to black and white (b).  Workly Drudge crosses a completely homozygous Cable, b&w bug to completely homozygous rabbit ear, Color, bug. He forgets to look at the F1 progeny.  In the F2 he obtained 3408 Cable, Color, 1772 Cable, B&W,  2592 Rabbit, Color and 228 rabbit, b&w  progeny for a total of 8000 TV bugs. These results had a Chi-square for goodness-of-fit of 1287.7 (null hypothesis ; 9:3:3:1; 3 df).  Workly hypothesized that the results were due to linkage. He immediately did a Contingency Chi-Square test and obtained a Chi-square value of over 8000!!  Workly tells his advisor that he has "proved" that the results are entirely due to linkage. The professor, Tadhg McCuil, insists that Workly has not entirely explained the results. Using your knowledge of genetics and statistics, how can the F2 results be explained. You must support your answer with a mathematical proof!


What do we know from the Problem:   In the original cross, as clearly stated,   a completely homozygous Cable, b&w bug was crossed to a completely homozygous rabbit ear, Color, bug. That is,  the original cross was:

AAbb x aaBB

The F1 progeny would have the genotype AaBb.  We presume that all of the F1   progeny would have the dominant Cable, Color phenotype but we do not actually know this.  Workly did not examine the F1 progeny closely!!!   At some point the experiment would have had to have been redone and the phenotype of the  F1 progeny examined more closely.

Goodness of Fit and Independent Assortment. We were already told that the observed data do not fit a 9:3:3:1 ratio.  Furthermore, we have been told that the loci are not independently assorting (significant contingency Chi-square test).  From the wording, the deviation from independent assortment is due to linkage. The question then is what else is going on.

What is being asked:

When there is a deviation from the expected dihybrid ratio (in this case 9:3:3:1). There are four possibilities:

a.     Chance

b.     Problems with segregation at one of both loci.

c.     Problems with independent assortment of the two loci.

d.     Problems with segregation at one of both loci and additional problems with independent assortment of the two loci.

Each of these possibilities requires a different statistical test. In the case of this problem, the tests for possibility a (chance) has been done and the observed distribution  is not due to chance.   Workly has already done the test for possibility c (independent assortment).  There is a problem with independent assortment which you have told is linkage.    This effectively eliminates possibly b.   Tadhg McCuil implies that possibility d (deviations from segregation and independent assortment) is the correct answer.   This means that we must check the both the  Cable locus and the Color locus for problems with segregation.  That is, we collapse the data and do the Chi-square test for goodness of fit for the expected monohybrid ratios.

(Test taking skills: On the exam several students told  me to check for problems with segregation at each locus but then did not do so!   Suggesting a course of action is not mathematical proof. )

What can we infer? Above we listed everything that we knew from the problem.  Now we can infer several other things.

1.    Expected Ratios for the monohybrid crosses:

        If the original dihybrid cross was AAbb x aaBB, then the collapsed F1 crosses are:

AA x aa


  BB x bb.

With a null hypothesis of  complete dominance and no problems with segregation,  in the F2 we would expect to see Cable: rabbit in a 3:1 ratio and Color: b&w also in a 3:1 ratio.   For 8000 progeny this would be 6000 Cable: 2000 rabbit and 6000 color: 2000 b&w.

(Test taking skills 2:   The next most common error on the exam was to have the wrong expected values. Many students told me that I should expect a 1:1 ratio so that there should be 4000 Color to 4000 b&w.   If you take the time to write out your monohybrid crosses, this error should not occur.)

What do we need to do next?

(1)     collapse the data as we have done before to obtain observed values

(2)     calculate the expected values

(3)      check the goodness of fit of observed to expected values using the appropriate Chi-square test.

Cable, Color Cable, b&w Rabbit, Color Rabbit, b&w
3408 1772 2592 228

Collapsing for Cable: Rabbit (ignoring color)

Phenotypes Cable Rabbit Total
obs 5180 2820 8000
exp. 6000 2000 8000
|obs-exp-.5| = d 819.5 819.5  
d2 671500 671500  
d2/exp 111.9 335.8 447.7

c2   = 447.7

The c2   value is 47.7.  The critical value is 3.84 for 1 df and a level of significance of .05.   We reject the null hypothesis that there is no problem with segregation at the Cable locus. Now we only need to test the Color locus.

I collapse the data for color and check for the expected 3:1 ratio.

Phenotype Color b&w Total
obs 6000 2000 8000
exp. 6000 2000 8000

 No need to do the Chi-square for goodness of fit. The fit is exact. Segregation at the color locus is fine.

Conclusion: The professor is right!  There is a problem with linkage (discovered by Workly with the contingency Chi-square) and a problem with segregation at the Cable locus.


In addition to being  required problem, the TV bug question was used for extra credit both on the exam and as a special problem on the website.

Extra credit (10 points)

Referring back to question 8, Workly Drudge completes his statistical analysis and heads back to the lab. He test crosses an F1 TV bug (AaBb) to a completely homozygous rabbit ears, b&w bug (aabb).   He obtains the following results (N = 6000):

Phenotype  Obs. Number Exp. Number
Cable, Color  483
Cable, b&w 1917
Rabbit, Color 2519
Rabbit, b&w  1081

Workly studies the results and says. "It was always obvious that the genes were linked and in repulsion. I even calculated that they were 20 map units apart. Now I understand what else is going on. I guess I should have looked at my F1 progeny more closely".

A.     What is the expected ratio in the backcross if the genes are in repulsion and 20 map units apart?

B.     With all the data from Problem 8 and these additional results, explain the genetics underlying this problem.

C.     What would Workly have seen in his F1 ?

(D)     Workly decides to do the definitive cross to prove his explanation of the genetic system. 
        He crosses individuals which are rabbit-ear, b&w from his test cross above to individuals 
        which are rabbit-ear, b&w that are known to come from a pure-breeding line. What would 
        Workly see in the progeny of this cross?


A.  You are told that the genes are in repulsion and 20 map units apart.   This means that the parental gametes are Ab and aB and that the recombinant gametes are AB and ab.  If the genes are 20 map units part, then the recombinant gametes make up  20% of the gametes while the parental gametes make up  80% of the gametes.

Thus, from the heterozygous parent we get four gametes AB, Ab, aB and ab in the frequencies of .10:.40:.40:.10, respectively.   From the other parent (aabb) we get one gamete (ab) with a  frequency of 1.0. The expected distribution of phenotypes  from the test cross, assuming a null hypothesis of on problems with segregation at either locus, would be:

Phenotype Genotype Freq. Expected Observed
Cable, Color AaBb .10 600 483
Cable, b&w Aabb .40 2400 1917
Rabbit, Color aaBb .40 2400 2519
Rabbit, b&w aabb .10 600 1081

(the Allele symbols in Bold came from the heterozygous parent).

(Test taking skills 3:  In answering this question,  most common error was to ignore information about linkage and tell me that the expected ratio was 1:1:1:1.  Be sure to use all of the information that you have)..

B.         Again, there is problem with segregation at the Cable locus. If one collapses for Color you expect
        3000 Color to 3000 b&w and that is exactly what you observe.   If you collapse over the Cable
        locus you expect 3000 Cable to 3000 rabbit but you observe 2400 Cable to 3600 rabbit.  That is,  
        you have 600 too many rabbit and 600 too few Cable.  The best guess from these data would be
        that Cable does not have 100% penetrance in the heterozygote.    In fact, if we observe 2400 Cable
     when we expect 3000 Cable phenotypes,  the penetrance would be 2400/3000 or 80%.


C.     If Workly had looked at the F1 progeny he would have seen that about 80% of the progeny 
        were Cable, color while the other 20% were rabbit, color.  In experimental work one cannot
        assume that they know the phenotype of the  F1 progeny.

D.     Individuals which have the phenotype rabbit, b&w from the test cross have the genotype  aabb
the genotype  Aabb where Cable did not penetrate.   If these individual are crossed to individuals
        known to be aabb then we can expect two different outcomes.

        a.    If the individual is aabb then all of the progeny will be rabbit, b&w.

     b.    If the individual is Aabb then 40% of the progeny will be Cable, b&w while 60% 
                will be rabbit, b&w.

 Try Still one more example

Detection of Linkage

More complex examples

Calculating Expected Ratios From a Cross Involving Two or More Genes.


Quick Links F2 Cross

1 Basic F2 cross - autosomal genes
2 Basic  F2 cross- X-linked gene
       Expected Phenotypes of F2 Cross - Single Autosomal Traits
        Expected Phenotypes of F2 Cross - X-linked gene
4 F2 cross - two unlinked autosomal genes
5 F2 cross - one autosomal - one X-linked gene
6 Linkage - Coupling and Repulsion
7  F2 cross - two linked autosomal genes -coupling
8  F2 cross - two linked autosomal genes - repulsion
9 Measuring the recombination rate from F2 data
          Recombination from F2 data - Table of Values
10 Basic  F2 cross- Z-linked gene (inactive)
12 Expected Phenotypes of F2 Cross - Z-linked gene (inactive)
13 F2 cross - one autosomal - one Z-linked gene (inactive)

Also See

  Detection of Linkage - Basic Info - Two Autosomal Traits - Complete Dominance
  Detection of Linkage -  More complex examples
  Detection of Linkage -  One More Example
  Detection of Linkage -  Two Autosomal Traits - Heterozygote has Unique Phenotype
  Home page
  Detailed List for Mendelian Genetics