Expected Phenotypes of F2 Cross - Two Autosomal Traits (Unlinked)

The Expected Genotypic and Phenotypic Arrays of two unlinked genes considered jointly are  the product of the separate Genotypic and Phenotypic Arrays. This is best illustrated by example.

Example: Consider two genes A and B each with two alleles - A1  & A2: B1  & B2. The genotypic array  ratios for each gene is :

A gene        1/4A1A1:  1/2A1A2:  1/4A2A2    (3 genotypes)

B gene        1/4B1B1:  1/2B1B2:  1/4B2B2   (3 genotypes)

When the A gene and B gene are considered jointly - there will be 3 x 3 or 9 genotypes.  The genotypes and frequencies can be computed by a Punnett square method or they may be calculated directly by multiplying the genotypic arrays for the two genes.


(1/4A1A1:  1/2A1A2:  1/4A2A2)   x (1/4B1B1:  1/2B1B2:  1/4B2B2) (results in table below)

  Freq. Progeny
Progeny Phenotype*
Complete Dominance
  1/16 A1A1 B1B1 A1B1
  1/8 A1A1 B1B2 A1B1
  1/16 A1A1 B2B2 A1B2
  1/8 A1A2 B1B1 A1B1
  1/4 A1A2 B1B2 A1B1
  1/8 A1A2 B2B2 A1B2
  1/16 A2A2 B1B1 A2B1
  1/8 A2A2 B1B2 A2B1
  1/16 A2A2 B2B2 A2B2

*Genotypes with the same color have the same phenotype.  See representing Phenotypes.

Two autosomal genes-complete dominance.

In the F2 generation, the each gene would have two phenotypes in a 3:1 ratio (3/4: /4).  In the absence of linkage,  the two genes would jointly show four phenotypes (2 x 2 = 4) in a 9:3:3:1 ratio (9/16:3/16:3/16:1/16). 

This ratio can be obtained by adding up the appropriate phenotypic frequencies from the table above (color coded).

A1B1  = 1/16 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/4 = 9/16

A1B2 = 1/16 + 1/8 = 3/16

A2B1 = 1/16 + 1/8 = 3/16

A2B2= 1/16

A faster way to obtain the joint phenotypic array for the A and B genes is to Multiply the separate phenotypic arrays.

We can write the phenotypes for each gene as a phenotypic array.

        For the A gene the phenotypic array is  (3/4A1+ 1/4A2).
For the B gene the phenotypic array is  (3/4B1+ 1/4B2).

The joint phenotypic array for the A and B genes is obtained by multiplying the separate phenotypic arrays:

 (3/4A1+ 1/4A2) * (3/4B1+ 1/4B2) = 9/16A1B1 + 3/16A1B2 + 3/16A2B1 + 1/16A2B2

Example 2:  Two autosomal genes - one gene shows complete dominance and the other gene shows either incomplete dominance, overdominance or codominance. That is, the heterozygote has its own phenotype.

For the A gene the phenotypic array is  (3/4A1+ 1/4A2).

For the B gene the phenotypic array is  (1/4B1B1+ 1/2B1B2 + 1/4B2B2

  Gene A has two phenotypes and Gene B has three phenotypes.  Jointly they will show 2 * 3 = 6 phenotypes.  The phenotypes and their frequencies can be summed from the Table above (not shown) or calculated from the separate phenotypic arrays.


 (3/4A1+ 1/4A2) * (1/4B1B1+ 1/2B1B2 + 1/4B2B2) = 3/16A1B1B1 + 3/8A1B1B2 + 3/16 A11/4B2B2 +  1/16A2B1B1 +1/8 A2B1B2 +1/4A2B2B2

Example 3: Two autosomal genes - both genes  show either incomplete dominance, overdominance or codominance. That is, the heterozygote has its own phenotype. 

Since each genotype has a corresponding phenotype there are 3 x 3 phenotypes in the same ratio as given in the table  calculated from the separate phenotypic arrays.

For the A gene the phenotypic array is  (1/4A1A1+ 1/2A1A2 + 1/4A2A2)

 For the B gene the phenotypic array is  (1/4B1B1+ 1/2B1B2 + 1/4B2B2)

Gene A has three phenotypes and Gene B has three phenotypes.  Jointly they will show 3 * 3 = 9 phenotypes.  The phenotypes and their frequencies can be summed from the Table above (each genotype as a unique phenotype) or calculated from the separate phenotypic arrays.

 (1/4A1A1+ 1/2A1A2 + 1/4A2A2) *  (1/4B1B1+ 1/2B1B2 + 1/4B2B2)  =

    1/16A1A1B1B1+1/8A1A1B1B2+1/16A1A1B2B2+1/8A1A2B1B1+ 1/4A1A2B1B2 + 1/8A1A2B2B2+1/16A2A2B1B1+ 1/8A2A2B1B2 + 1/16A2A2B2B2

Quick Links F2 Cross

1 Basic F2 cross - autosomal genes
2 Basic  F2 cross- X-linked gene
       Expected Phenotypes of F2 Cross - Single Autosomal Traits
        Expected Phenotypes of F2 Cross - X-linked gene
4 F2 cross - two unlinked autosomal genes
5 F2 cross - one autosomal - one X-linked gene
6 Linkage - Coupling and Repulsion
7  F2 cross - two linked autosomal genes -coupling
8  F2 cross - two linked autosomal genes - repulsion
9 Measuring the recombination rate from F2 data
          Recombination from F2 data - Table of Values
10 Basic  F2 cross- Z-linked gene (inactive)
12 Expected Phenotypes of F2 Cross - Z-linked gene (inactive)
13 F2 cross - one autosomal - one Z-linked gene (inactive)

Also See

  Detection of Linkage - Basic Info - Two Autosomal Traits - Complete Dominance
  Detection of Linkage -  More complex examples
  Detection of Linkage -  One More Example
  Detection of Linkage -  Two Autosomal Traits - Heterozygote has Unique Phenotype
  Home page
  Detailed List for Mendelian Genetics